Friday, August 26, 2005

Dibs, Blogs, and Off Topic Doo-dads

I just have to recommend these totally off-topic delights. I'm fairly addicted to Edy's Ice Cream ( illustrator's got to survive, and what better way to inspiration than a huge cup of Edy's Cookie Dough Ice Cream) case any of you don't want to pile on the pounds with a huge cup like I do sometimes...(fighting it off with Billy Blanks on a Tae Bo DVD the next day)....try Edy's Dibs! Yum. They are small chocolate covered ice cream bits.
The good thing about the Dibs is that you can eat them and pretend to be "cutting back on calories", since they are so small...even if you do eat 20 of them at a time.
I love the chocolate ice cream ones.
If I could, I'd guarantee that the Dibs/Tae Bo combo would bring complete illustration success, due to the inspiration they bring, but the rest is up to you.
Here are two blogs that bring inspiration as well. One is listed here in my blogs listing already. It's called Chicken Spaghetti. It's chock full of great children's lit updates and info.
I found a link to Linda Sue Park's blog from it. She keeps it as an online journal.

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