Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Changing Seasons

The turn of the seasons has brought a quickened pace here. It's only just begun and I am having a hard time keeping up already!

I got an excellent book out of the library the other day about perspective. It's called The Complete Guide to Perspective by John Raynes.
It instructs clearly, with paintings, drawings and images from an artist's point of view. It's one of the best I've ever seen for the purpose of an artist painting and understanding perspective for use in the more painterly/illustrative side of things (does that even make sense?)
Usually the perspective books I've viewed were way over my head in technicalities. This book is beautifully rendered and clearly explains the use of perspective. It's another one on my wish list now.
I'll find a link for it tomorrow....gotta get to bed.

1 comment:

Amy C. Moreno said...

I'd miss the seasons changing too. Maybe you could take a short trip up North, just to feel the crisp air once it gets cooler.
Autumn is my favorite season too.