Monday, December 04, 2006

Christmas Pen and Ink Rendering

Here's a pen and ink rendering I finished in time for Christmas.


Bones said...

My gosh. Your artwork is remarkable.

Amy C. Moreno said...

Thanks so much!
I visited your blog and got a kick out of your sense of irony in many of your posts..the figurines..and the Che Guevara true.

Ginger*:) said...

Oh Amy.... that is so wonderfulllllllllllllll..... it makes me want snow even more now. And I would love to come home to that house...You have given it such LIFE. Your treatment of trees continues to amaze me. You have such a gentle touch with your pen. Marvelous!

Amy C. Moreno said...

Thanks so much Ginger. You are always such an encourager. It was a fun one to do. I added more detail than usual. I'm using a smaller rapidograph tip, which adds more detail and takes more time.