Children's illustrations, odds and ends about creating them, and the quirky business of writing and illustrating for kids.
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
National Portrait Gallery Reopens
The Smithsonian National Portrait Gallery will reopen on July 1st, after being closed for renovations for quite awhile. (Here's hoping it doesn't get rained out, after all of the rain, flooding and federal building closings in DC this week!)
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Congrats to Denise Vega on her book Click Here
Denise Vega's book Click Here has been nominated by VOYA (Voice of Youth Advocates) as a Top Shelf Reader for Middle School readers! Yeay!! Check out Denises's website it has lots of news and fun things for kids and teachers..parents, etc.
Raul Speek's Art
Take a look at Raul Speek's art. He's an artist born in Cuba at the time of the revolution, who now lives in the UK.
I Like the Cookie
I Like the Cookie Here is RoxxyKristen's animation and sketches..look at the studies of film compostion and value..lots of fun characters and links too
Sketch Club
Sketch Club I love this blog..the concept and the collaborative effort of creating sketches from memory. It's fun to see what these artists come up with.
Patrick Morgan
Patrick Morgan....he's an animator from CA. Look at his sketches, links and characters.
Pencil Shavings Blog
I found Sara's digital illos on her blog, Pencil Shavings, from a British Blog in the illustrations listings called BritBlog.
Monday, June 26, 2006
One Year Blogging Birthday

Wow. One year ago today I started blogging here at cachibachis! I can't believe it's gone so fast. It has been a blast. I've learned so much from other bloggers and found so many interesting things in my search for cachibachis (odds and ends) for the blog.
Saturday, June 24, 2006
Dog and Horse Portraits

I just finished a dog and horse portrait for a client. The two dogs at the top of the page, facing each other, and the horses on the bottom. I couldn't get to Staples to copy the large image, but here are some individual images of each of the animals.
Friday, June 23, 2006
Lost in the Paint... a painter's blog
Lost in the Paint... a painter's blog Here is John Nez's "newer-other" blog showcasing his paintings, and the process involved. He has another blog with his illustrations on it as well... Both are full of images and wry humor that will keep you reading.
Thursday, June 22, 2006
Mumspotting: A mum, her doodling and illustrated blog about motherhood
Mumspotting: A mum, her doodling and illustrated blog about motherhood Here's Christine Lim's blog....beautiful illustrations..another one I found on Illustration Friday.
Planet Ham
Planet Ham ooooooh...look at Matt Ham's illustrations. I'm glad to have found his blog...found it from a link on Illustration Friday.
Look at Jeremyville's Sketchel
Sketchel's are custom designed bags with art from all over the world that people submit for use on the bags. The idea is fantastic! (warning...Some are a bit edgy)
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Have you been to LibraryThing?
Check out Librarything if you haven't been there before. If you are a published author or soon-to-be published author you'll find this link especially fun....(you can give info about your book to them and have it linked to their site.)
Moonflower Musings
Moonflower Musings I thought I had blogged Julia's blog before, but may have gotten it mixed up with another blog I'm on. I think the post went there by mistake. Julia's fabric children's illustrations are wonderful.
Monday, June 19, 2006
The First Dallas International Book Fair
I found out about the First Dallas International Book Fair July 14-16 through Shirley Smith Duke, author of No Bows. Shirley will be speaking at the event. Congratulations Shirley on being featured on the front page of El Extra, and on being in on this wonderful event. I wish I lived closer and could attend!
Friday, June 16, 2006
KCAD:illustration Here's a collaborative blog by KCAD Illustration students. I also found a link for CMYK magazine on their blog. There is a contest (deadline June 20th..not sure of the exact details..but it's for creative folks...and some interesting services on the classifieds like a portfolio critique service. I wonder how good that one would be....I've had my best portfolio crits at SCBWI conferences. Here's a link I found called where some fun illustration blogs showed up.
Thursday, June 15, 2006
Illustration Friday-Jungle

Here's my image for this week's Illustration Friday topic...Jungle. I'm pushing it a bit with this one..and actually posted it a year ago when I first started my blog..but it sort of fits the jungle theme...
Tracy's Sketchbook
Tracy's Sketchbook Take a look at Tracy's beautiful Thumbelina sketches and illustration. Congrats Tracy on your new blog. I'm sure you'll go far in the children's illustration field!
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
Toy news....
Here's a website, Playthings that has the latest updates and toy news, info on licensing for toy products and trends in the toy biz. I love sites like this that show new trends and ideas that are catching on.
a fun creative challenge...52 Figments
I found 52 Figments on children's illustrator Dee's fun website. 52 Figments is a creative excercize of 52 challenges for 2006. Check it out and participate!
Cooper-Hewitt National Design Awards
Cooper-Hewitt's National Design Awards are out now. The 7th annual National Design Awards will be held at the Cooper-Hewitt Museum in October.
La Bloga
La Bloga This isn't exactly a children's writing/illos blog..but I love searching through it for new Latin/Hispanic/Chicano lit news. Check it out....great links too. I was hoping there would be something there about David Diaz's illustraitons (he's one of my favorites) but so far there isn't. I may suggest it.
A Quote for Encouragement
I got this quote today in my email-box....had to share it. I get these inspiring quotes each day from Insight of the Day. "Just don't give up trying to do what you really want to do. Where there is love and inspiration, I don't think you can go wrong." | |
Ella Fitzgerald 1917-1996, Jazz Singer |
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
NYC Museum Mile Festival
Oh how I'd love to be in New York City for the Museum Mile Festival! Nine museums on Fifth Avenue will open their doors for free to a mile long music and art filled block-party/festival. Wow! Talk about a sensory feast! Another thing to keep an eye out for in NYC is the Renegade Craft I wish I could go to that one.
Monday, June 12, 2006
Pseudoarmadillo Take some time to look at Sarah's blog, her wonderful children's book illustrations and the amazing marionettes she designed. Congratulations Sarah on all of your accomplishments!
Friday, June 09, 2006
thefairfax This is so much fun! I just bought Alice's book, The Creative Life, and while searching for links I found her blog.
Excellent Books for Creative Types
Lately I indulged in buying 3 tremendous books for Creative people, dealing with the issues we deal with, and coming from a Christian viewpoint. Julia recommended The Creative Call by Janice Elsheimer, and it is exceptional. I just got it today and from what I've already read, I highly recommend it. It's similar to Julia Cameron's book for artists, but from a more clearly Christian perspective.
I also bought The Heart of the Artist by Rory Noland...haven't even had a chance to crack it open yet..but will soon. The other book arrived the other day and I began it as well....(hmmmm...ADD?) It's also very good. It's called The Creative Life and is by Alice Bass. (I'll be taking a long car trip soon, so hopefully I'll have time then to read these.)
I just found Alice Bass's blog...gonna blog it in a second!
I also bought The Heart of the Artist by Rory Noland...haven't even had a chance to crack it open yet..but will soon. The other book arrived the other day and I began it as well....(hmmmm...ADD?) It's also very good. It's called The Creative Life and is by Alice Bass. (I'll be taking a long car trip soon, so hopefully I'll have time then to read these.)
I just found Alice Bass's blog...gonna blog it in a second!
Check out Sherry Roger's Revised Site
Sherry Rogers is a talented children's illustrator (and wonderful friend) who has recently updated her website. There are activities for children to do....go see.
New Illustrator's Group-The Picture Bookies!
Check out our new Children's Illustrator's group and website, The Picture-Bookies! It's live today!
Sunday, June 04, 2006
Child's Play | An Illustration Blog by Christian Elden
Child's Play An Illustration Blog by Christian Elden I just found Christian Elden's blog this afternoon. His style, humor and perspective on things is refreshing and fun.
Photos in a series called 'Dreams of Flying'
Look at Jan Von Holleben's photographs in a series called Dreams of Flying. I found out about it from Carlton Hibbert's Illustration Blog 0.2, which has tons of great art postings and links.
Saturday, June 03, 2006
Article about Entreprenurial Starts has an inspiring article up about starting out as an entrepreneur. All artists and writers are entrepreneurs. It lists 10 top tips for anyone starting anything.
Ginger Pixels
Ginger Pixels Take a look at Ginger's cheerful colorful children's illustrations on her blog.
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