Here is my Studio Friday entry for Favorite Tool. Of course I couldn't pick just one. I have a ton more, depending on what medium I'm working on, including Winsor & Newton gouache, Prismacolor pencils, but here are: #4 Cotman Winsor & Newton paintbrush, Rotring rapidoliner (disposable cartridge version of a rapidograph) #.25 tip, #2Cotman Winsor & Newton paintbrush and 1 Script paintbrush. This one is Loew-Cornell. I'd love to buy some really expensive brushes, but these do work well. Anything Windsor & Newton is good in my book.
Thanks so much for stopping by. I went to your blog.
Thank you for your service to our country, for your sacrifice and pain.. both known and unseen. God bless you for all of it.
I'm so sorry for the suffering you went through afterwards.
Are you a photographer? I would have left a comment on your site, but there was no place to leave one.
Those paintbrushes looks good. I agree with you that winsor & newton has a lot of great stuff.
I love the blue of those paint brushes! I have been wanting to buy a rapidoliner, too... so inspiring!
I enjoyed looking at your site and seeing your favorite tools, shell paintings (wonderful) and photos of your boat tour.
It is funny how it was hard to narrow it down to one tool. I think many of us can not pick favourites when it comes to our studio, because everything in them is uniquely ours. :)
It's also hard to choose, because at different times we are using different tools, depending on what we're creating.
Oh so beautiful, Amy! The Rotring Rapidoliner looks intriguing...never used one of these before and so does the brush at the very bottom. Such a fine tip!
Wow!! :-D
i like the colors of your brushes. very inspiring to look at!
oh! I'm a big Rotring rapidoliner fan too, but I've got bad news on those. DickBlick has stopped selling them and my local art store has too. I think they are going to be discontinued :-( Ack!
I LOVE my paintbrushes and pens and the journies they take me on :-)
Fun to see your tools Amy!
Well Paige...that just figures about the Rotring pens...I guess I'll have to buy the replacements up the next time I see them...
Don't you just hate it when something you love to use gets the ax? It's so much easier to use the disposable ones than to clean out the other rapidographs. I prefer rapidographs much more than any other fine lined pens. There's just something about the way the ink comes out.
Thank you, Amy! I enjoy your blog very much, too! I love the illustration you did of your twin! I just read in your ABOUT ME field that you live in the D.C. area! I´m envious ;-), as I have lived near D.C. (but in Maryland),too, for three years as a teenager. Always in september I get this longing to go back there...strange, ha? Maybe it´s because I love the indian summer so much!
Wow, your tools are so clean and well cared for :o) It's great to see what you use to make your lovely work!
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