My dear, talented children's illustrator friend Ginger Nielson awarded me this touching artist blogging award this weekend. I am blessed and honored to have been awarded this, and especially from Ginger, who fits the bill for the award so well herself. Read the history of the Bella Sinclair award here on Ces's blog.
It was created by Ces in honor of her friend, Bella Sinclair, who tragically and suddenly lost her husband. Here is what Ces says about the award:
I designed this award to celebrate art in the blogs and to honor the value of friendship, sisterhood, sharing and caring. It is to be awarded to the gifted, accomplished, eloquent and talented blogger whose friendship and influence inspire us to do our best. That I named it after Bella Sinclair is because she epitomizes all of these things. She is an inspiration to many of us.
My thoughts and prayers go out to Bella, who inspired this, and deep thanks to Ces for starting it. I am looking forward to reading Bella's blog and seeing some of the art mentioned in Ces's wonderful art blog. (Ces's art is amazing)
Thank you so much Ginger. You are always so kind, industrious and encouraging and your art shines your personality through and through.
I'm prepping to send this to other women artists as soon as I get a chance. We just arrived home from our family vacation at the Outer Banks of NC...what a beautiful time we had..and a much needed rest and time together as family.
Congratulations on the award Aimee! Bella is back and I am sure you will have the pleasure of getting to know her and her art.
Now, I think I'll just look around here if you don't mind...
Dear Amy,
Oh my. I am so touched by your words. Thank you. I'm thrilled that you have received one of Ces's magnificent trees here. You have an inspiring blog, and your artwork is incredible. I loved strolling through them and absorbing all the colors and action and joy. Gorgeous!
Thank you, also, for the sweet message you left for me earlier this summer. I felt your prayers, and they brought healing and strength. Thank you.
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