Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Portrait I just finished

Here's a portrait I just finished for a client. It is a colored pencil portrait done on canson paper. I love using neutral toned canson paper for colored pencil work. It's 16" x 21"
They loved it (whew..you never know with portraits!)
I just found an amazing book done in the graphic novel format. It is called Alia's Mission
Saving the Books of Iraq
and is written and illustrated by Mark Allan Stamaty. It is a true story about the chief librarian of the Central Library in Basra, Iraq. The GN format used is wonderful for young children, and the inspiring story makes it an incredible book.


roz said...

Amy, I'm so glad you've started a blog!! I look forward to reading what you're up to in the future.

Amy C. Moreno said...

Thanks Roz and Ron! I'm going to add your websites and Roz's blog here so that others can see your amazing art!